As we step into a new year, many of us are still juggling numerous responsibilities. From family to children to work, we’re all trying to keep up with new personal goals and self-care. I’ve added daily vitamins, evening skin care, and reading 2 books a month to my personal routine. I’ve had to make space for it. I would be kidding myself, if I thought I could still get up at the same time and do more each day. I am waking up 30 minutes earlier each day to “set myself.” I’ll write more about that routine later. Let’s focus on where you want to start first and make your “unbreakable” priorities. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, paralyzed in life, unsure of how to start, or just looking for guidance on establishing priorities, this is for you. 

Before even starting this, I want you to know that you are in control and you can start anytime. If you are thinking, “It’s already X days into the New Year, I’ve already missed my start, and I can’t start now,” those are all false. Stop telling yourself no, stop making excuses, stop blocking yourself, and let’s get started. 

I’m excited to share the Wheel of Life with you. It’s a comprehensive model that divides life into eight interconnected areas. It will help you to foster your overall well-being and give you a framework to reflect, prioritize each of these areas, set goals, and take action. Think of it as a diagram of all the things you need to consider when setting your priorities, goals and actions this year. 

As you look at each of these areas, begin by reflecting on each area and identifying specific goals or actions that align with what you want the most. Here are 3 core questions to ask yourself as you use the Wheel of Life to establish your priorities: 

1. What truly brings me joy and fulfillment? Reflect on activities and aspects of your life that genuinely bring you happiness and a sense of fulfillment. Consider how you can prioritize these elements in the coming year to enhance your overall well-being.

2. Where do I feel imbalances or stress in my life? Identify areas in your life that may be causing stress or imbalance. Reflect on whether certain priorities are consuming too much time and energy, and explore ways to address these imbalances. You can say no, delegate tasks and set boundaries as starting points to things that are not on your priority list. 

3. Which of the 8 areas are the most important to me? Make a list of these areas, rank them and list your top 3 most important ones. Write down why these are the most important to you. These are your priorities for the next 30 days. Be sure to review your current commitments. Do they align with what you just established? If it’s not something that aligns, “park it” and revisit it next month. 

Ready to take it one step further? You can download your FREE Life Balance Workbook Here. This guide will help you evaluate all 8 areas one by one and rate each area in your life today. It will also help you know which ones need work and what actions you want to take in one or more of the areas this year. I’ve also included goal-setting sheets to jumpstart your priorities into action!

These questions and tools are here for you! I encourage you to regularly reassess and adjust your priorities based on evolving circumstances and personal growth every 30 days. Check-in with yourself. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it’s a necessary step toward becoming your best self! 

I am so proud of you! You can also join us in the Feel Good 365 Community! Use this evaluation as your jumping off point and immerse yourself in growth, community and fun!

With Love & Thanks,

Dr. Tina B. 
